来源:网络 作者:鬼鬼vam 2008-11-13 17:36:18
Are you with him or against him on this issue?
根据上下文的语境,还可以翻译成,“在这件事上你赞成他的观点还是反对他的观点?”。这个句子主要练习的是两个介词的使用。介词词组be with sb.表示,赞成某人(的观点),和某人站在一边(of the same opinion or belief as; in support of, in the side of)。相反,介词词组be against sb.表示,反对,逆反(be contrary to; be opposed to)。
再引申一下,介词with经常还表示“在同一个方向上(的运动)”(in the same direction as),比如,sail with the wind(顺风航行),flow with the river(顺流而下)等。
例句:No one is against her proposal. 没人反对她的提议。