来源:网络资源 作者:中考网整理 2019-08-04 09:59:50
随着2011年被北京市 的日益临近, 考生对各科考试出题方向的需求也越来越高。优能中学集合各位中考考试专家,研究历年考试规律和最新中考《考试说明》,在中考临门一脚大胆给出 作文话题预测,并给出预测对应的观点以及相应亮点句型,供考生在最后时刻复习参考。
1.环保非常重要:There is no doubt that nothing is more important than protecting the environment/our earth.
2.环保需要我们人人共同努力: It is required that all of us join hands/work together in protecting the environment.
3. 环保需要我们从身边的小事入手: We should take action to protect the environment from our daily life.
1.没什么比身体健康更重要:It is believed that nothing is more important than a healthy body.
2.没有健康身体(心理),我们就会一事无成: Without a healthy body(mind), we can do nothing .
3.我认为我们应该更多地锻炼:In my opinion, we should spend more time doing exercises.
4.锻炼身体能让我们保持身体健康:An advantage of taking exercises is that it can keep us healthy.
5.中学生面临的压力越来越大:As middle school students, we are facing more and more stress in life.
6.面对生活中的压力(困难),我们应该微笑着去勇敢面对: When we are facing stress (difficulties) in life, the first thing we should do is smile to it (them).
7. 我们还可以向老师或父母寻求帮助:It is also a good choice for us to turn to our parents or teachers for help. (注: 所有困难类作文万用句型)
1.抒发感想:我们度过了最愉快的一天:We have a very good time today.
2.我下定决心,以后要(植树/骑车出行/低碳活动等): I have made up my mind to (do more planting/ ride bicycle).
1.通过互联网/博客/微博,我们可以认识更多的新朋友,和朋友的沟通也更快捷方便: An advantage of the internet/blog/micro blog is that we can make more friends by it. Besides, the communication between us can become faster and more convenient.
2.然而,万事都有两面性:However, every coin has two sides.
3.互联网是把双刃剑:The Internet is a double edge sword.
4. 互联网/博客/微博也可能让我们面临危险,因为陌生人也能通过其找到我们: The internet/blog/micro blog may put us in danger, as a reason, it is easy enough for a stranger to find us through it.#p#分页标题#e#
5. 我们应该在父母或老师的帮助下合理地使用网络/博客/微博: it is better for us to use the internet/blog/micro blog with the help of our parents or teachers.
1.我们为日本最近发生的地震感到深深的难过。We are deeply sorry for the earthquake which happed in Japan recently.
2.希望你们尽快度过难关,重建家园。 I hope that you can get through difficulties and rebuild your hometown as soon as possible,.