来源:网络资源 作者:中考网整理 2019-08-05 23:23:38
Mr. Hodge was a 1 farmer . He had hundreds of chickens , and sold eggs and the meat and got a lot of 2 them , but he lived in a very 3 part of the country , and he found 4 his hens (母鸡) laid 5 in the summer . So he decided to put air-conditionings (空调)into his chicken-house 6 they would lay well all through the year and he could get more eggs and in that way earn more money . The owner of the company which 7 the air-conditioning came to see him , and when he saw Mr . Hodge's house , he thought that he might be able to persuade (说服)him to buy some air-conditionings 8 .