来源:网络资源 2023-01-11 19:34:43
1. that,后跟陈述句,无意义,口语中可省略。
【例】They know(that)she is an English teacher.
分析:从句she is an English teacher是一个完整的陈述句,不缺少任何成分(如主语、宾语等),引导词用that。
2. if和 whether表“是否”,多数情况下二者可互换。
【例】I wonder if/ whether you have already finished your homework.
※ 易错点:只用whether不用if的情况
① 当与or not连用时
【例】I wonder if/ whether you have already finished your homework.
= I wonder whether you have already finished your homework or not.
= I wonder whether or not you have already finished your homework.
总结:无论or not位置在前面还是后面,出现or not就只用whether。
② 宾从作介词的宾语时
【例】He was worried about whether he would lose his job.
③ Whether引导的宾从放在句首时
【例】Whether we can arrive there on time, I am not sure.
3. 特殊疑问词。当宾语从句是特殊疑问句时,由疑问代词(what、who、which、whose、whom等)和疑问副词(where、when、why、how)引导。
※ 总结:问什么就用什么
【例】I didn’t know who was late for school this morning. (问人——who)
【例】I don’t remember when we arrived here. (问时间——when)