来源:网络来源 作者:中考网整合 2024-02-13 11:19:54
中考网整理了关于2024年中考英语知识点:Will do 和 be going to do 都有表示预测,希望对同学们有所帮助,仅供参考。
Will do 和 be going to do 都有表示预测,但 be going to do 比 will do 有更多的证据支持,而且事件发生的时间更近,will 所表示的动作发生的时间可近可远。
由于 be going to 是一个现在进行时的形式,因此,它所表示的对将来行为的预测往往暗示与现在有联系,而且是在说话后不久就将发生的。
所以当有现在的证据可以支持预测时,或者说根据目前的明显迹象来推断某件事将要发生时,我们就要用 be going to,而不宜用 will do.
如:Look at the time. I am going to miss my bus. Don't worry, I will drive you to the stop. And if the bus has already left, I can get you to your apartment.
The traffic is terrible. We are going to be late.
By the time we get to the airport, Bob's plane will already have arrived, and he will be wondering where we are.
You look very pale. I am sure you are going to get sick.